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Fiduciaire Comptable Becker, Gales & Brunetti

Fiduciaire Comptable
Becker, Gales & Brunetti

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A propos

About us 

The fiduciary Becker, Gales & Brunetti SA, created in 2007 and its multilingual personnel is consulting today mainly clients from small and medium sized companies.


Luxembourg, Financial center in the heart of Europe

During the 60's and 70's, the country could create an enormous wealth due to its financial market. Today, the country is one of the leaders in this sector. Unfortunately, these points supersede all other advantages, which are mainly offered to SME clients from the greater region Saar-Lor-Lux.

Here some not exhaustive advantages for potential investors :

  • Ideal situation in the heart of Europe

  • Connexions with all capitals of Europe

  • Multilingual, well educated personnel

  • A sane social environment

  • Attractive taxe rates

  • Interesting state subsidies

  • Lower social and salary linked costs than in the surrounding countries


All these advantages create an interesting alternative for potential investors, who are willing to create a small or medium size company in Luxembourg.







Our team

Fiduciaire Comptable Becker, Gales & Brunetti SA has partnered with GG Associates since 2016 


Contact us

Our adress

121 avenue de la Faïencerie L-1511 Luxembourg

Our means of communication 

  • LinkedIn Social Icône

Opening hours

From Monday to Thursday from 8h00 to 12h00 and from 13h00 to 17h00

Friday from 8h00 to 12h00 and from 13h00 to 16h00

Need information ?

Thank you !

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Fiduciaire Comptable Becker, Gales & Brunetti

Our services

Tax consulting 

Preparation of all kind of tax returns for companies, private persons, self-employed and liberal professions

Tax advice

Salary services

Salary accounting and declaration of salaries at the social insurance office

Keeping annual payroll

Preparation of employment contracts

Consulting services

Assistance in Incorporation of companies

Assistance in Domiciliation of companies

Trade licensing

Administrative and secretary services


Accounting services

Preparation of balance sheets and profit and loss accounts

Balance sheet analysis

We speak Luxembourgish, French, German, English, Spanish and Italian.

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